Do I need to change anything to access my IPv6 block?

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D. Strout
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:27 am

Do I need to change anything to access my IPv6 block?

Post by D. Strout » Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:32 am

I just picked up a KVMSSD2 plan, which comes with a /112 IPv6 block. The link in the VPS welcome e-mail included a link to, which gave me details about the /112. I tried to access a few of the addresses in the block stated, but it would always time out. So I ask: do I need to do do some networking config on the OS (which, in my case, is Ubuntu), or perhaps in SolusVM to get that block to respond? I found this article: does it apply, and if so, what changes to I need to make since I have a /112 not a /64?

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Re: Do I need to change anything to access my IPv6 block?

Post by Admin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:12 pm

Hello !

Yes, you need to configure the os with the specific /112. It does not work through DHCP.
But you actually get 2 rounds of IPv6, besides the allocation of the /112, the other block is related to your MAC. It should be visible with ifconfig if you configured the os to accept IPv6. The MAC /64 is automatic.


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