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Post by jcaleb » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:09 pm

I just noticed right now while browsing OVZ plans. Why do you give (or how can you give) so much bandwidth for such a low price? Is it because most people really don't need a lot of bandwidth and balances things out? Or is it good deal with DC?

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Re: Bandwidth

Post by Admin » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:39 pm

Well, Uncle is not bound by an agreement with the DC since he gets own BW deals.
For example, a regular host will buy the BW from the DC, but Uncle Sal buys more or less directly from the carriers (Level3, Sparkle Telecom as well as Cogent and others on the local exchange).
As such, one intermediary is cut which cuts some costs AND one step of overselling. This means the BW is at least of better quality if not cheaper.
In the future the VPSes will probably not have such big bw because on some nodes there are many VPSes and with each having so much BW this will mean the 1 gbps port might be a bottleneck and it was at times. Biz plans have much lower density on much smaller nodes so the 1 gbps port is very hard to be saturated, except in case of DDoS or something (never happened for the biz plans yet).


Posts: 92
Joined: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:56 am

Re: Bandwidth

Post by jcaleb » Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:06 am

thank you. im learning new every time. i thought BW is always bought from DC =)

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