It is my sad duty to inform you our CDP and ftp'n'web backup server with LeaseWeb is going to be abandoned. After a few slips with about 1 disk failure each 2 months or so and once the technicians there even pulling the wrong disk to replace, yesterday data corruption occurred and there was nothing to be done to save it.
We are looking for options to replace it.
This is only for the CDP and ftp'n'web customers, the ftp accounts with Iperweb are still functional, but they are on the premises (in our DC) so not really full redundant if something catastrophic happens to the Milano datacenter.
It is, of course, a bad moment during the week-end, we will keep you informed about the status of the issue.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you.
RAID failure on the backup server. CDP and FTP'n'Web down
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